"The Soprano's Season 3" It Gets So Much Better

     Jesus Christ, talk about an elite season of television. I'm going to be honest, this might be my favourite season of The Sopranos so far. It is that good. At this point the world is just coming to life on it's own, and I could watch them do anything. Which is exactly what happened with Pine Barrens, just watching Paulie and Christopher struggle to stick it out in the middle of a forest in the storm. At one point I took a bit of break, getting through the first couple episodes of the season, then really ramping it up again around episode 6 or 7, and boy was it worth it. It pretty much has everything I wanted, it has good mob drama: Ralphie is introduced as this sort of weirdo wildcard, Christopher is finally a made man, and Jackie Jr. is introduced. It also finally starts to build on the tensions at home that pull Tony apart, whether it be a new goomar or his children. Finally halfway through the show, I will not say that this is it's peak, for all I know it will get better later on in the show, but I can confidently say that everything that Chase and co. has done to make you fall in love with the show pays off. There are some real heavy hitters this season.

    Let's start with the first thing, Livia is finally dead, and Janice is a real nonfactor in this season. Those two were by far the most frustrating characters in the show. Not to say that I don't think Tony shouldn't be having family problems. But let's be honest, it's much more interesting having Tony come to terms with the fact that his old school style is failing him and placing a great strain on his relationship with his children. Particularly when it comes to Meadow and the whole racism debacle, and his failing ideals of masculinity when it comes to AJ. I feel like the showrunners understood that they were losing a lot of rope on those two storylines, so for now Janice is mostly a side character, relegated to where she should be frankly to make room for some of the new characters they introduced. 

    Specifically, this season the new character that came and went was Jackie Jr. I thought his inclusion in the show was a good choice by the showrunners, especially because you do not really get to see any of the actual children of the mafia members. Christopher does not really count, he's pretty much the only case where Tony gets to have his cake and eat it too, since he's basically like his heir, but he's not his actual song so he doesn't feel as if he has to push him away from the life as much as possible. The way everyone sort of kept pushing Jackie away because of his fathers wishes, and how it ultimately this lack of guidance/idolization of his own father that lead him to his early demise really helps halt any sort of glamorization/joy you might begin to feel about the mafia life when things go well for them. His death was so unceremonious, and frankly I expected Tony to be more emotional burying him, or surprised that he died considering he pawned him off to Ralphie hoping he'd let Jackie live.

    Speaking of which, Ralphie was the second new character they really focused on in this season. In my review for season 2 I sort of lamented Richie dying so early, having that sort of wildcard/hothead character helped keep things interesting. However, while he's no Richie, who is constantly bristling Tony, I think Ralphie's promotion helped set up some very interesting dynamics between him and the rest of the family for the rest of the show. I mean it is very clear, especially with Johnny Sack beginning to poke his nose in, that Paulie and Tony are going to butt heads very hard sometime in the future. There is some tension between him and Christopher, but frankly I just think it's cool that Christopher finally is a made man. On the subject of new characters, I understand Tony chasing these goomar's in order to talk about all these psychological issues he's going through, but really I didn't get much out of Gloria. It's ultimately too short lived for me to care that much about her. Though if we're talking about random side characters I'm starting to love. Can I say that I kind of love Bobby, and I dearly hope nothing ever happens to him. If you're ever watching this show please do not search up anything, it will be spoiled for you. Luckily, I haven't seen anything about Bobby and I hope my squishy adorable mafia member gets to stick around.

    In terms of episodes I loved, it's easy to say all of them, but there were so many good ones. Like I've repeated many times about this show, there are often so many times these days where I struggle to focus on a show, especially one with hour long lengths like this one, but I never have that issue with this show. Whether it be Mr. Ruggerio's Neighborhood, which really explores the consequences of being part of this business, and how pretty much everyone has to swallow their pride, even when their loved ones die by the business. Or Another Toothpick, which has not only Junior tackling his own mortality, but exploring what happens to the mafia members who do end up making it to old age, and how that fiery pride never goes out. What about University? That one was really striking, having Tony continuously push away Tracee every time she looks for advice, mistaking her friendliness at an attempt for companionship when it was really mentorship she was seeking. Only to have her killed in pointless moment of rage. I know I just named half of the episodes in a 13 episode season, but the last three episodes this season, the run of Pine Barrens, Amour Fou, and Army of One were spectacular. I could not put this show down for the love of me today. Who knew Steve Buscemi could direct a great episode of TV? Whether it be the relationship between Christopher and the older guys in the mob, or the way they finally dealt with the Jackie situation. There's just something about the way they ended the season on Junior singing, who knew he had vocal chops like that? It just tied everything together emotionally.

Final Score: 85/100

    Keeping on the topic of the final episode, why the hell did they switch to random languages at the end of Junior's song. Respectfully, I understand people of multiple ethnicities wanting to resonate or whatever the reason David Chase said it was. But also it was so goofy and took me completely out of my immersion to randomly hear French or Chinese when I can clearly still see Junior singing. If I sound like I'm amazed with this season, it's because frankly I am. I'm not ready to put it in my top 5 TV shows of all time, but its certainly climbing up my list very quickly. To be honest, the biggest demerit to the show is that I once again took a break mid-season, then picked it up. I suppose depending on your perspective that could be a testament to the shows greatness though. All the episodes are usually pretty self-contained even if there's always some big storyline per season that once you are familiar with all the characters it can be really easy to pick it up again and act like you forgot nothing.


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