"Jean Dawson - CHAOS NOW*" Living Up To The Name


    Jean Dawson has always been one of those mid-tier artists for me when it came to artists whose careers I somewhat follow. Truthfully, this album, CHAOS NOW*, is really the only project by Dawson that I enjoy. His debut album really did not interest me at all, and his other two albums, Pixel Bath and Glimmer of God, were alright. Nothing has quite managed to scratch that same itch that CHAOS NOW* managed to reel in though. True to it's name, it's a fantastic blend of rock and rap that really highlights the Dawsons multi-genre abilities. Frankly, the most disappointing part of this album was finding out that it's more of a one off rather than a sound that Dawson would have followed up on. Regardless, this album has really grown on me, which is funny because when it first came out I wasn't too interested in it, but eventually I gave it a proper listen a year later and I fell in love. So of course, as a pretty interesting album sonically, at least in my opinion, I've been eager to recommend it to my friends and give it the proper writeup it deserves. So without further ado, my track-by-track review.

CHAOS NOW* - Jean Dawson

* - N/A This intro is 13 seconds long I am not rating this there is nothing to discuss.

THREE HEADS* - 80/100 Anytime I hear a guitar in a rap/hip hop song like from JPEGMAFIA I just think about this album it really is my measuring stick for rock influenced rap songs. I think this song is a great opener for this album because it really does set the tone for just how in your face and loud the rest of this album is going to be.

GLORY* - 82/100 This song is better than I remember and only reinforces the notion in my mind that I'd probably enjoy rap songs more if I thought they were catchier/had guitars to make the beat/instrumentation more interesting.

KIDS EAT PILLS* - 78/100 One factor that I think really helps this album succeed in my eyes is not only that it's so short but that it rarely ever misses at least to me. Frankly, as you'll see later some of the weaker songs for me are probably the popular ones off of the album, and all my favourite songs from this album are mostly in the middle.

POSITIVE ONE NEGATIVE ONE* - 85/100 I absolutely adore the guitar solo in this song. It is so ridiculously catchy even if you don't like the rest of the song I think it's worth it for the build up towards that alone. I really do think the rough/fuzzy nature of so many of these songs help contribute to the themes of inner turmoil that the lyrics refer to.

BAD FRUIT* - 50/100 I'd say usually I have a pretty good idea of what songs are probably the most popular off of an album but when I first listened to this album I was so confused to find out that this was easily the most popular song from this album on Spotify. I suppose part of it is the Earl Sweatshirt feature but frankly this song never impressed me. It doesn't really do much and this is one of those songs in which I think the short song length that is present throughout the entire album works against it. Nothing ever breathes and a slow song like this should probably have been longer to let it breathe and have more of an emotional impact, especially during the parts with the violin.

0-HEROES* - 90/100 Honestly, the score to this song might just have to be higher. These next three songs are in my opinion easily the best part of the album. There's just something about the way Dawson is emphatically sing-shouting for freedom. When the guitars kick in roaring while hearing him sing "I wanna live in the sunlight" is just amazing. Truly a special song from Jean.

SCREW FACE* - 85/100 You know I always wondered why this album wasn't easily his best on sites like AOTY or RYM only to find out that some people dislike this album and think it's a bit too disconnected at times. I suppose I can see what they mean since this song specifically has two very distinct pieces but personally I always enjoyed both of them and I don't think the transition is that jarring. It's not like they have different lyrical content they're both sort of about living with a reckless disregard for life.

PORN ACTING* - 85/100 I know to some people the whole quiet to very loud structure of this album can be seen as grating but I'm personally in love with it. Like I've said before this album just feels so special to me it's a real shame that Dawson or any other artist seems to have little interest in using this sound any further. I would love to hear another album in this vein. Not saying I need more rap-rock in my life in general I've never been the biggest Linkin Park fan but if it was similar to this album I wouldn't mind it.

BLACK MICHAEL JACKSON* - 50/100 Sadly, I do think this album sort of stumbles its way towards the ending. This song has always felt more interlude-esque to me at least with the way the instrumental comes off  and I've never cared about it at all..

HUH* - 35/100 This song is proof that you can't just throw a guitar onto any song and expect me to enjoy it. I do think this might be the only song on the album that I'd say I dislike. I just don't think the guitar or the instrumentation really fits the song, though to be fair I dislike the tune. It also doesn't help that this one also includes a second half. It's pretty much what I imagine people who dislike the album think the rest of the album sounds like.

SICK OF IT* - 90/100 Back to regularly scheduled programming. If you thought there was even an inkling of a chance that I would dislike this song than you clearly haven't been paying attention to my taste. I have no idea what it means to be the "new black oblivion" but this song has all you need. The blazing fast space, the shouty vocals, and some unapologetically fuzzy guitars all packed into a song that's barely even 2 minutes.

PIRATE RADIO* - 50/100 I'm not saying that Jean Dawson can't do slow songs. I absolutely loved NO SZNS, his collab with SZA, and Darlin' which is easily the best track off of Glimmer of God. I just don't really understand how this song and BAD FRUIT* managed to be the most popular songs off of this album. I just don't think they're particularly captivating for slow songs and do not move me enough to make a difference. I'm not saying a fast-paced album like this one should not have slower songs to give some peace/pause, but they do feel a little out of place sonically compared to many of the other songs off this album.

Final Score: 80/100

    I know I kind of gush over this album quite a bit during this review, acting like it's the most innovative piece of music I've ever heard, even though it really could just be another alt-rock record. It's brashness always stood out to me in a positive sense though, I've never been shy that I love the in-your-face factor of the album. Perhaps the fact that Dawson has never looked back at this sound has just made me love it that much more I suppose. Like it's some one-off I should hold and cherish. Is some artist probably keeping the sound of this song alive? Would I ever listen to the whole album ever again? Probably not to be honest, even though I've enjoyed all but like four songs off of this album I don't feel like I'm gaining or missing too much by listening to it in its entirety or in order instead of just on a playlist.


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