"Bring Me The Horizon - POST HUMAN: NeX GEn" Don't Judge This Album By It's Cover


    I had the chance to get into Bring Me the Horizon when I was younger, but I decided to veer away from that sort of genre of band, and looking at just about everything with this album, I still feel as if I made the right choice. From the 2010's-era "quirky" capitalization, to the album cover, to the general track names, I am not looking forward to reviewing this album. I mean I did eventually get into metalcore bands, I listen to Pierce the Veil now, but as someone who's gone through all of their work, none of their cover art has ever made me feel embarrassed to be listening to music in public, like this album cover does. Nonetheless, I will still try to give this album the fair shake it deserves, because at the very least sonically, for all intents and purposes I should actually like it. So without further ado, my track-by-track review.

POST HUMAN: NeX GEn - Bring Me The Horizon

[ost] dreamseeker - N/A

YOUtopia - 85/100 I have no idea what a youtopia is but why is this song actually good? You know I would have actually listened to this album way sooner if I knew this is what they sounded like. The singing and lyrics are melodramatic but I listen to Pierce the Veil and Dance Gavin Dance so as long as it's really catchy I'm willing to overlook it, and well this song is much catchier than it has any right to be.

Kool-Aid - 60/100 Oh that took a turn for the worse. I will say this much, I can tolerate the semi-cringe lyrics as long as I think the songs are catchy. Frankly, I think the Kool-Aid line might be a bit much for me, but the chorus reeled me in. Oh that guitar solo at the end sounds so out of place who would ever put that in

Top 10 staTues tHat CriEd bloOd - 85/100 Cringe title aside we might be back. I'm not sure what's up with all of the random "vocal effects"/glitches that they apply to the singing I don't think they contribute that much and are almost a tiny bit distracting? 

liMOusIne (feat. AURORA) -  50/100 It this album just going to alternate from songs that I really like to songs that I just really don't feel anything for? I mean it's not like this song is bad by any means, I didn't think the lyrics were particularly cringe or I didn't like the instruments

DArkSide - 75/100 I think what's really holding me back from this song is that it sounds a bit compressed? If that makes any sense? Like I feel like the synths/strings that they put in sound a bit squished, but it is pretty good.

a bulleT w/ my namE On (feat. Underoath) - 76/100 Another solid track from this band. Like I'm trying to do my best to hide their music behind the cringe track names/album cover but these songs are simply too good for me to ignore.

[ost] (spi)ritual - 30/100 This reminds me of the worst parts of the band Belmont in which they attempt to add in "hip-hop" influences in order to differentiate themselves from the rest of the pack. There's a reason no one else tried to do this.

n/A - 65/100 Wow I actually kind of liked this song until it became too British. I was listening along to the chorus kind of vibing until "Kinda wanna get fucked, make love to a chainsaw, Wrap my drop-top, 'round a lamppost" came on. Also the part where they say "Hello Oli" is so funny to me I'm sorry it's true. The second chorus where they come back with more energy is good though, but also 

LosT - 80/100 Why can Bring Me The Horizon do hyperpop kind of well? Like from the self-deprecating lyrics that don't take themselves too seriously, to the fast paced melding of guitars and electronic. It's just, it feels so out of place on this album considering most of this record feels so pretentious and serious.

sTraNgeRs - 76/100 Damn why is this album kind of turning up in the second half? There is no reason for something that looks this cringe to be this hard. Like would I say some of the tracks are a bit samey, so anyone who isn't a fan of the genre might find this a bit of a slog to get through? Yeah, but I'm a pretty big fan of just how this entire album sounds. 

R.i.p. (duskCOre RemIx) - 65/100 Out of the two "hyperpop" songs on this album I'd say I definitely prefer LosT over this one. I think it's mostly the chorus that's not clicking awell for me the whole staccato instrumental thing sounds kind of dumb to me to be honest.

AmEN! 40/100 (feat. Lil Uzi Vert and Daryl Palumbo of Glassjaw) - Oh my god this shit is awful. Why did it start with the lines "Swim the witch, slay the infidel, Suck a dick, heretic" The Lil Uzi Vert feature is doing this song no favours. It's just simply too loud, and the lyrics are too terrible for me to ignore, no matter how many guitars they throw at me.

[ost] p.u.s.s.-e - 24/100 Oh another bad interlude? This one is almost 3 minutes long I am absolutely rating this track. Why did I just hear the line "What would you do for p.u.s.s.-e?" I'd rate this interlude  marginally higher than the other one because small parts of it sound like a cool breakdown song you'd hear in a video game. But it's also really long and that one line is unforgivable

DiE4u - 40/100 While parts of this song do try to go hard, I cannot shake it out of my brain that this sounds like a Kid Laroi song in the worst way possible. Like legitimately if you removed all of the guitars I'd expect this to be something I'd hear from this Fortnite experience, which yes I played solely for the skins. It's inoffensive at best, but it doesn't exactly bring up good memories or thoughts for me.

DIg It - 25/100 Insufferable and way too long? I don't care how hard this song might try to go if it's squished between the worst "lofi hip hop beat" passages that bore me to no end and just make me want to go on my phone. It's rated lower than DiE4u solely off of the basis that it's 7 minutes long to be honest. For an album that's legitimately impressed me this song is a terrible way to end it. I had to wait 2 minutes for a super cringe outro nevermind this song is even worse.

Final Score: 70/100 

    Well, Bring Me The Horizon, colour me impressed. I might even listen to their future projects if I hear their good enough. I'm genuinely surprised with how solid a lot of the songs are on this album. To be honest, the main thing holding this album back for me ratings wise is how inconsistent it can really feel at times. Even still, I firmly believe that if I do end up re-listening to this album, which I plan to do, that the scores for this album are going to raise pretty much across the board. While I do wish there was a song that matched the first one, for an album that looks this way, starting off on your strongest foot is a bit of a strength. Ultimately, I think my biggest issue with this album is the fact that it feels so all over the place a lot of the time, whether it be the quality of the tracks, or just sonically/lyrically, this album really does feel like a mess, but most of it still manages to shine through.


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