"Rick and Morty Season 5" Arguably it's Best


    Rick and Morty season five is where the grooves feel just that much better again. I mean just look at Rickmurai Jack, while it was preceded by one of the most random episodes involving two crows, it genuinely was one of my favourite episodes of Rick and Morty ever. I mean fans have been waiting years, for any sort of confirmation involving Evil Morty, and while not everything is confirmed yet, it's good to know that he did find a way to escape the crushing grip of Rick. I mean not everything about this episode is amazing, it is the incest baby season, and it's clear even the other Rick's never let this dimension live it down.

    I mean Amortycan Grikfitti isn't the best episode, but this season genuinely has consistently great episodes for you to enjoy. Are you saying you didn't enjoy Mr. Nimbus and his oddly flamboyant behaviour. He even mentions Diane for all you degenerates (me) interested in Rick's wife and who he was prior to become the jaded old man he is. Or what about Mortyplicity? The post-credit scene where wooden Jerry becomes a cross while Who Wants To Live Forever was fantastic, and after it aired I did put that song on because it really is that awesome. Or what about A Rickconvenient Mort, I mean the b-plot involving Rick and Summer is super annoying, but Morty and Planetina was genuinely sad.

    I mean I haven't even mentioned Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort, as of right now Memory Rick has only showed up one more time, but I'm curious if they'll do a bit with him or make him a main character sort of like Space Beth. As long as there's less selfcest I'll be fine. I mean I just listed like half of the season, yeah there I'll stand on it, this seasons great. Although I do have to admit as someone who's also a fan of Community Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion is kind of overrated because Contemporary American Poultry is just Harmon's better version on the mafia trope in pop culture media. Like it's basically the worse Rick and Morty version of the Community episode I just didn't get much from it even from the Gundam half of the episode.

    I don't know what else to say this is just one of my favourite seasons, everything is pretty much on point from the lore that they keep on slowly feeding fans on an IV drip, to the characters all having their own moments to shine, to the bits they commit to, it all just clicks. I mean of course, Incest Space Baby though. While I think it's very funny that it's named Naruto, that entire episode was just so weird. From horse machines, to the fact that Rick fucks a horse, it all feels like one of those very thinly fetish episode, Harmon's obsession with incest is frankly becoming a bit more concerning.

Final Score: 85/100

    I definitely need to go back and start rescoring these episodes, because I don't think I realized how much I enjoyed this season. I mean this has to be up there as some of the best material the show's done. It doesn't just feel like running on a treadmill like season 4 was, it genuinely felt fresh and good, I was excited to watch and complete this season, and that's kind of rare. Good job to Harmon and the team, other than giant incest baby why would you ever do that I don't get that bit at all what is your obsession with incest you weirdo?


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