"Community Season 6" I Thought it was Better
I write this review a man left with a hole in his heart. Look, Community wasn't perfect, but I would be lying to you if I said it wasn't what I needed at the moment. After a disturbingly quick rewatch the show, I am sad to report that the show has come to an end, and that the last season was not what I remembered it to be. One of my friends, who also holds this show dear to his heart, once remarked to me that season 1-3 is where the Community peaked, season 4 was the gas leak year, 5 was good, and 6 was once again bad. Personally, I thought season 6 was decent, but looking back, I finally understand why I thought that.
Look, it still has its bright moments, the Dean really shines in Lawnmower Maintenance & Postnatal care, but does anyone actually enjoy Laws Of Robotics & Party Rights. That might be in contention for one of my least favourite Community episodes. I thought the main story was weak, and the same could be said for the b-plot as well. The entire notion of prisoners on iPads in community colleges never really hooked itself into me, so I never held the suspension of disbelief needed for any of Community's gags to work, and well it only went downhill from there. I could not understand at all why everyone liked the Willy, was it because he was a murderer? I just couldn't do it, it was so unfunny to me that to date I've only watched that episode twice, and even then I basically rushed past it both times. Also, the b-plot was completely useless. Ok, so Britta wants to throw a party, but to make it interesting all they do is have Abed record people partying, it achieves nothing only to be a time filler.
That's not the only bad episode in this season either, because what in the world was Basic RV Repair & Palmistry? I wish I had something good to say about that episode because even now I'm struggling to find words to even talk about it. Look, I think it's cool that the episodes were allowed to be slightly longer, even bordering on 30 minutes instead of 20, the only issue is that you actually have to use that time wisely. What was the point of Abed doing all those flashbacks? Why did they have a giant hand? I think it's just a sign that while Community still had that magic within with Harmon back at the helm, it was clearly starting to fade, and so it's kind of nice they pulled the plug while it still had some semblance of glory.
That's not to say that the show had nothing left in the tank, there really are some great episodes this season. Can you not tell me that Queer Studies & Advanced Waxing and Basic Crisis Room Decorum are not funny? I love the hell out of those episodes, and still come back to them frequently. It's just that to me Community is one of those shows that are hard to end, and endlessly bingeable. I remember when I first finished watching the show, I would just constantly go back to picking at old episodes, rewatching them and reliving the glory, as if nothing had happened. Watching the final episode of this season, the finale for the show, I was just left realizing I had hardly remembered the final scenes. Usually in TV shows, especially ones you love, where you've memorized multiple lines and scenes, you'll remember the big explosive finale, but for Community it had none of that. It's almost like to me it never really should have ended or had some big conclusion, it had a bunch of self-contained episodes that you could come back to and never grow tired of.
Final Score: 69/100
Look, I know I just spent the last little bit gushing all over season six and how Community ended on the right note, but it was a bit of a chore to get through at times. It just had overall longer episodes, and they simply weren't as interesting to really justify them. There were some "high-concept" episodes but nothing that really had the magic that even season five had. It's definitely not the 60 that I thought season 4 was, but I find it hard to call it a 70 considering how much felt off this final season, and how much I generally complained about it, so ultimately I'm giving it as close of a score to 70 as I can without actually calling it a 70, because to do so feels pretty wrong.
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