"SUPERHOT: MIND CONTROL DELETE" I Didn't Think It Could Get Better


    I vividly remember my first experience with the Superhot franchise. I was about 11 or 12, and I saw the demo on miniclip, and it blew my mind away. First of all, to have a game like this, with these sort of physics and gameplay on a web browser is astounding. Moreover, that was almost 10 years ago, and it is still fresh in my mind, I doubt any other sort of game has gameplay that even comes similar to this masterpiece. 

    Eventually, years later I did end up playing the game, and while I enjoyed it, ultimately I did not really feel the need to buy it at full price, citing the relatively short single player, and the cumbersome ending. Instead of making it more difficult, the game just ended up throwing more and more enemies, making it feel more like a game of hope you can hide, than just skill.

    Luckily, I can safely report that Superhot: Mind Control Delete does not suffer from those same issues, and I feel like lands the games concept almost perfectly. I'll keep my grievances brief, because I don't have many. First off, while the bosses are cool, I wish there was a way to stop or kill them all, even if it would be difficult. Like Dog and that Sword person and that Gun person are all scary, and when the music is playing with them my heart started racing, but the solution to beating them all is to literally run around and kill more enemies to just escape the level.

    Speaking of levels, surely there could have been variety? For the unfamiliar, how this game works is that you play the same rotating cast of small levels over and over again, and you have to beat a certain amount without being hit too many times to pass certain levels, known as nodes. Though, the issue is you go through the same map every single time, and eventually it becomes a bit annoying and cumbersome, I wish they would have added maps you unlock slowly but surely, or have different maps for different levels.

    This is most evident in the final levels, where I just gave up, because instead of making it more difficult the game pretty much just stacks as many maps as possible, and when you're going through them every single time, it becomes boring. Though, variety can be found in other ways, mainly through hacks and cores. Another issue I had with the first game was well, the lack of variety, like the one ability is cool, but there are only so many ways you can play with it. 

    Even still, you'd be hard pressed to be bored, and I was surprised to find that, the music, or sometimes lack of it, really impacted how I played. I almost always did the best during first runs when I had full patience, or when I had my own music playing, so the game could not speed me up or slow me down. 

    Now, you'll notice I haven't mentioned the story at all for this sequel, and the reason for that is that there's no story. Like it's kind of thin? It's very vague and cryptic I couldn't care for it this game is almost all gameplay for me.

Final Score: 70/100

    It's just a refined version of Superhot without a story, if that sounds enticing for you, go for it. I played it for almost 9 hours before I became bored, and depending on who you are your mileage may vary. My friend said it's not really like a sequel and more like Superhot 1.5 which is an interesting idea, and I can see why he says that. Either way, I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who wants to experience the unique gameplay that the Superhot franchise carries around.


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